Relaxation Techniques For Sleeping

Relaxing is not the same as sleeping. Many people sleep without being very relaxed, and although relaxing can lead one to yawn or feel sleepy, it need not lead to sleep.

Learning Relaxation techniques for sleeping can certainly help you to get to sleep more easily, and then to sleep more restfully.

Sleep is a vital part of life: muscle tissues are repaired and growth hormones are secreted during sleep, and you have better muscle tone and coordination when well rested. Sleep bolsters the immune system, and the molecules that provide mental energy for thinking and creating are restored during sleep.

Did you know?
  • Insomnia now affects over half of all adults.
  • Relaxation techniques for sleeping have been proven to be effective for insomnia.
  • These techniques improve sleep by producing brain wave patterns that are similar to the early stages of sleep.
One popular non-drug treatment for insomnia is relaxation techniques. The use of these Relaxation techniques for sleeping is based on the fact that individuals who suffer from insomnia exhibit elevated brain arousal that is associated with excessive mental activity during the night

Although meditation and relaxation techniques are widely used to treat a variety of health problems (including hypertension, headaches, anxiety, and irritable bowel syndrome) and have also been used successfully to treat insomnia, it has been presumed that these techniques work.

Dozens of scientific studies have proven that the Relaxation techniques for sleeping is an effective treatment for insomnia.

For a sample relaxation technique, try this simple exercise:

Sleeping with the window open will help the air to circulate in your bedroom and fill your lungs with fresh air. Relaxation techniques will help your body to wind down and prepare for the sleep cycle.
  1. Take a deep breath.
  2. Breathe in through your nose and visualize the air moving down to your stomach.
  3. As you breathe in again silently count to four.
  4. Purse your lips as you exhale slowly.
  5. This time count silently to eight.
  6. Repeat this process six to ten times.
Uses for progressive relaxation techniques has been effective in the treatment of muscular tension, anxiety, insomnia, depression, fatigue, irritable bowel, muscle spasms, neck and back pain, high blood pressure, mild phobias, and stuttering.

Progressive relaxation can be practiced while lying on your back or sitting in a chair with your head supported.

By practicing 15-20 minutes a day or several mini sessions of five minutes each, a person generally gains relative mastery in about two weeks.

Relaxation Techniques For Teenagers

Help teens get the sleep they need Most teens require at least nine hours of sleep but get much, much less.

To sleep well, a teen needs to be at ease…both physically and emotionally. If a tenn learns to soothe himself and is able to calm his body and mind, he will be able to thrive, even in the toughest of times.

Relaxation techniques appear to help teenagers fight off frequent migraines or tension headaches.

Teenagers, like adults, may experience stress everyday and can benefit from learning stress management skills. Most teens experience more stress when they perceive a situation as dangerous, difficult, or painful and they do not have the resources to cope.

Helping our teenagers to get adequate sleep is a daunting task, but there are things that you can do to help.

For a sample relaxation technique, try this
  • Stress the importance of a consistent bedtime.
  • Help teens to learn relaxation techniques in order to unwind and signal the body that it’s time for sleep. Encourage them to practice creative visualisation and progressive relaxation techniques. Putting their thoughts and worries in a journal often helps them to put their problems to rest, enabling them to sleep.
  • Have them turn off all electronic equipment (including phones) at least an hour before bed.
  • Discourage them from drinking caffeinated drinks in the afternoon and evening.
  • Encourage regular exercise, especially outside in the morning. (Morning sunshine can help to reset the internal clock.)
  • Although teens are likely to sleep in on the weekend, don’t let them sleep in for more than a total of two hours over the entire weekend.
  • Simulate the dawn by opening the curtains and turning on the lights an hour before your teen needs to get up.
  • And don’t forget to warn them about the dangers of driving while drowsy!


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