Think for a while at a time in place when you were really struggling. Struggling with your career, struggling to find ends meet. People are so got up with the thought of surviving that they forget to soul search the inner thoughts of their ambitions. For many of us we were brought on to this world to for the purpose of demonstrating resiliency. What people so often do not realize; is that under adversity and challenge comes creativity perseverance and determination. It is under the constant pressures of survival and hard work that one becomes motivated to focus on a vision that will ultimately remove them from feeling deficient.
I have observed many times individuals whom have been on the all out dumps and they appear to be stuck in a rut. Yet, many of these very same people stay targeted on identifying a vision. Once they find a desire to reach a goal then they begin to work on a mission toward their vision. For many the ladder to success requires obtaining an education and working in practice; step by step, day by day until they reach the goal.
In case you are beginning to wander; where is this going, part of finding your vision and reaching you goals; is to review and assess those that have reached great accomplishments. It is important to associate yourself with people of integrity and who are serious minded and honest individuals. Much of my success stems from associate, friends and many others whom have served as a bouncing board to discuss many of my ideas pertinent to my aspired career goals. Also, they served and help me from lost time from possibly doing the wrong thing; but, rather they were there as consultants to me and as a resource of identifying contacts and connections that are all part of upward mobility.
Be prepared to be flexible on your path toward reaching your vision; however stay focus on what a great mind once said “all things are relative”, my point is, as one may seem to be on a different pathway temporarily, most of the time you will notice that it will help you in reaching your goals. Every transformation that takes place in our world even if it a negative experience will have a learning variable to it. So it is important to stick on the heart of the matter in reaching your intended goals that will ultimately reach that visionary life you are seeking.
Be patient, and have mercy on yourself, always remain upbeat and positive. Success is not easy, it takes time, hard work, and a team of people willing to help; remember that there is a process of trial and error along the way. But, have faith in yourself, your goal, and your friends, do not, ever, never give up, and know that your vision is around the corner.
By: Dr. Richard C. Baiz, D.B.A.
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