How To Wear Red Lipstick

When wearing red lipstick, wear very little eye makeup. A light dash of a neutral color eye shadow across the lid with a light application of mascara is sufficient. You don't need to apply eyeliner but if you do, keep it in neutral tones like brown and use a very sparing thin line that is heavily blended.

Prime your lips with foundation to reduce bleeding and to give your lips a smooth even finish to start with. Use a lip liner to line the inside of your lips when wearing red lipstick. This helps to prevent the red from bleeding, and to give your lips an all day polished look.

Always begin with the top lip when wearing red lipstick. Start at the cupid bow, and keep your lipstick just within your natural lip line. Beginning with the top lip prevents you from applying too much color to the bottom lip. If your lips are too red blot with a tissue, blend and rub the color more thoroughly into your lip. Doing this will mute the vibrancy of the red.

When choosing the right shade of red lipstick, pay close attention to the undertones of the lip color. A red lipstick with orange undertones will look exceptional on everyone, no matter the complexion. If you have a darker skin tone, you can wear red with a pinker undertone. Stay clear of reds with blue undertones as they make your teeth appear grey, and detract from your beautiful red lips.

Finally, a lovely shade of blush applied sparingly that matches either the orange or pink tones in your lipstick will finish you off beautifully.

By: Mel Joelle

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